Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Maya. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Maya. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, julio 25, 2014

Day out of Time Rainbow Bridge Meditation by Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan

Day Out Of Time - July 25, 2014

Day Out of Time

Day Out of Time

A day out of time? What could that possibly be?
How about no day of the month or week at all?
But, you might say, it is Friday and it is July 25, 2014. That's true on the Gregorian calendar, but not on the Thirteen Moon/28-day calendar!
The Day Out of Time is the day to celebrate time is art. And since art is the basis of constructive peace, this day is also celebrated as International Peace through Culture Day.
Peace through culture is a fundamental premise of the 13 moon/28-day calendar. When you celebrate time is art you are promoting peace through culture.
Boy holding the Banner of PeaceIf you go to most any Day Out of Time celebration you will see the banner of peace. The symbol on that banner signifies the unity of art, science and spirituality.
Since 1935, this banner has been internationally recognized as an instrument of peace – peace through culture. As the saying has it, "Where there is peace there is culture, where there is culture there is peace." This day is also marked by ceremonies of universal forgiveness; it's a way of starting the New Year off on a clean, compassionate footing.
The Thirteen Moon New Year's day occurs on July 26 (Magnetic Moon 1). Why is that? This date was originally correlated to the conjunction of the sun with Sirius rising. The 13-moon calendar is not just a solar-lunar orbital measure, but is coded to galactic timing cycles, most notably the Sirius cycle. Through the 13-moon calendar, human consciousness can enter into galactic consciousness.
Give the human a harmonious standard of measure and then a harmonious human will walk a harmonious mile.
Harmony – that's what the day of time is all about!

lunes, julio 29, 2013

IMPORTANTE SUCESO COSMICO! – es el día del Gran Sextil - Julio 29, 2013

GrandHex dos
Magnetic Moon 4, 29 de julio de 2013, es el día del Gran Sextil.
Está codificado como Blue Hand espectral: ”Yo disuelvo con el fin de saber. Liberar la curación.
Sello el almacén de la realización con el tono espectral de la liberación. Me guía mi propio poder duplicado.
“Lo que una afirmación de sanación planetaria y elevación. Este aspecto entra en juego una semana después de la Luna llena de la Luna Cósmica, que es el último de los 3 Super Lunas en una fila.
El Super Luna es cuando la luna llena cae en el día cuando la Luna está más cerca de la Tierra.
La Luna se mueve a la posición para crear un gran trígono con Venus y Plutón, que también completa un Gran Sextil alrededor del planeta Tierra.
El gran trígono con Venus, Plutón y la Luna significa la posibilidad de transformación (Plutón) a través del poder de la belleza (Venus) y el amor (Super Luna).
Ya hay un gran trígono en el lugar que la Luna se mueve para completar el Gran Sextil.
Marte en conjunción con Júpiter en trígono Saturno y Neptuno. Este aspecto armónico representa la posibilidad de que nuestras esperanzas y sueños (Neptuno) son capaces de recuperar la espiritualidad de la religión (Júpiter) y reemplazar el materialismo con la abundancia (Saturno) más altos. 
Marte se agrega allí que nos permita sustituir la guerra con la paz. El Gran Sextil se forma a partir de los 2 Grand trígonos que ya hemos hablado.
El Gran Sextil constituye una forma de 6 lados y cristalino en torno a la Tierra con 2 triángulos entrelazados dentro.
Esta es la forma geométrica de un Stargate formado alrededor del planeta Tierra por los otros planetas del sistema solar.
Esta es la oportunidad para la transferencia directa de la energía cósmica galáctica.
Los aspectos de la Gran Sextil mejorar los aspectos de los Grandes trígonos que ya hemos discutido.
La conjunción de Júpiter y Marte en sextil con Venus, el poder de la belleza, por un lado, y la Luna, el poder del amor, en el otro lado.
Esto señala la posibilidad de que el poder del amor y la belleza de superar el poder de la guerra y la religión.
A continuación, el planeta Saturno, el materialismo, es sextil a Venus, el poder de la belleza, por un lado y Plutón, el planeta de la transformación, en el otro lado.
Esto señala el poder de la belleza para transformar el materialismo. Luego tenemos el planeta Neptuno, el poder de nuestras esperanzas y sueños más altos, sextil a Plutón, el planeta de la transformación, por un lado y la Luna, el poder del amor, en el otro lado.
Esto significa el poder de transformación para lograr nuestros sueños y esperanzas a través del poder del amor más altos.
Esta imagen me parece ser la plantilla para un altar a utilizar para el Día Fuera del Tiempo, el Año Nuevo y el día del Gran Sextil.
He incluido una copia de la carta de la astrología para que puedas ver las posiciones de los planetas.
GrandSextile dos
A los efectos del altar me permito sugerir la colocación de piedras en cada uno de los puntos para representar cada uno de los planetas.
A través de este método, vamos a actualizar el Stargate en todas nuestras ceremonias.
Usted puede, por supuesto, sólo meditar en esta imagen si usted es un profesional o grupo de personas que no tengan capacidad para crear un altar para ti.
Cuatro días antes de que el Día Fuera del Tiempo, y cuatro días después del Día Fuera del Tiempo de la Luna se mueve a través del cielo, formando conjunciones a los planetas Plutón, Neptuno, Urano y luego trasladarse a su lugar de tomar el último lugar en un gran trígono y la formación el Gran Sextil.
Esto me parece que es un buen momento para mantener la energía y las ceremonias para la transformación de la humanidad y el planeta.

jueves, julio 25, 2013

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – The Mayan New Year Begins July 26, 2013 – Yellow Galactic Seed – 25 July 2013

You are a starseed!
You contain a holographic ‘seed packet’ of your evolution into the Mind of Light and the energy that directs you toward wholeness. This resonance offers an expanded view of the larger self and new ways of perceiving reality. Through self-acceptance, you are gifted with this journey. like a cosmic milkweed explosion of resonant is the launching pad from which you can hear the rumble of the rocket of your accelerated evolution.

lunes, julio 15, 2013

Aluna Joy: 2013 Energy Update – 7/7/2013
Sunday, 7 July, 2013  (posted 15 July, 2013)
After observing and living many months into 2012, I have come to the realization that this time we are in is so much bigger than we can realize in this moment. In the future, this time will be a historical marker that we will always refer to. We will think in terms of . . . “Before 2012” and “After 2012”; much like we think of life on Earth as BC and AD; before Christ and after Christ. Only now, this reference will be evolved to include humanity and not just a singular entity. We will think in terms of . . . before the Unified ONE (a.k.a. duality) and after the Unified ONE (Christ Collective Consciousness). The Star Elders wanted you to know the magnitude of this fact.

viernes, julio 05, 2013

This Is The Big One We've All Been Waiting For : The Grand Sextile - Randy Bruner Cosmichand - June 21, 2013

FatherMotherGod Amon Ra's picture

This Is The Big One We've All Been Waiting For : The Grand Sextile
Planetary Aspects and Tzolkin Correspondences for the Cosmic Moon 2013
Aloha Planetary Kin: this is your Cosmic skywatcher, Randy Bruner, Blue Cosmic Hand, coming to you from 19.5° on the Big Island of Hawaii. These are epic times in which we are living and this Cosmic Moon is no exception to that. The Maya were avid skywatchers. To them the axiom “As above, so below.” was how they lived their lives. They watched the dynamic of the planets moving across the sky and lived their life accordingly. As I write this we are in the central column of the Tzolkin in the Mirror Wavespell. It is the Summer Solstice day, Yellow Spectral Star, " I dissolve in order to beautify." I'm finding seemingly endless order of correspondences of the planetary aspects and the Tzolkin. I will attempt to condense them for transmission to you.

jueves, julio 04, 2013

¿Qué es la Ley del Tiempo?

¿Qué es la Ley del Tiempo?

Es un descubrimiento de un sistema completo comprensible el cuál demuestra que el tiempo es el factor universal de sincronización. La fórmula principal de la Ley del Tiempo – T(E)=Arte, Energía factorizada por el Tiempo es igual al Arte – se refiere a la elegancia intrínseca de todo fenómeno natural.
La formulación corolaria de la Ley del Tiempo afirma que la velocidad del tiempo es instantáneamente infinita, un factor que se relaciona con la telepatía y varios fenómenos paranormales. Sí, el tiempo es más rápido que la velocidad de la luz! Y debemos investigar la mente para poder entender el tiempo.
En su esencia, el tiempo es una frecuencia expresada como una constante, 13:20. Esta constante define un nuevo reino de la realidad, el orden sincrónico. Este es el reino cuatri-dimensional donde la sincronicidad es la norma y puede ser mapeado por códigos matemáticos basados en la constante 13:20.

jueves, junio 27, 2013

The Mayan Day Keepers ~ Take Charge of Your Life: Day 86, Cimi 8 - June 26, 2013

mayan-calendar-1I am Cimi with Tone 8. We are grateful for this time to be with you. As always, our intention is to help you to re-discover what you already possess within yourself. You have no need for teachers or gurus; simply look within to find all you seek. We are here to re-mind and to support all you choose to do with your life. We hold no judgment and are in awe of all that you are accomplishing on Earth.
Although it may not seem like it, you are gaining much for yourself and for everyone else in the universe. Every experience you have creates a new memory for us. Each of you has a unique slant on life. Although many may gather at an event, no two of you are having the same experience.
Literally, you are each a living library, storing every thought, emotion and action you have experienced. Isn’t that truly amazing? You are like super-computers with intelligence beyond any virtual reality software program. How much better will your life be when you realize you are conscious thinkers, with the ability to create with your Creator! You have been given free will to choose your experiences. Although many of you have fallen far from the compassion wagon, your experiences have allowed for a tremendous amount of spiritual growth.

sábado, junio 22, 2013

The Mayan Day Keepers ~ DAY 82 Ik 4 “Love and Gratitude Exercise” - June 22, 2013

mayan day keepersI am Ik with Tone 4, we welcome this opportunity to share with you today. Our topic is one that is dear to our hearts, that of unconditional love. What we wish to do today is to help you to experience this on a deeper level. We invite you to join us in a time of solitude and meditation. The process is very simple. The hardest part for many of you will be to discipline yourself to set aside 15 minutes each day. When you do this on a regular basis, your rewards will be immense as you quickly learn to relax your mind and body, thus rejuvenating your energy flow.
Find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed for at least 15 minutes. We encourage you to create a quiet zone where you can do your daily meditation; encourage those who live with you to do the same. Preferably, this space should be in nature. If you are in a place that has no yard, create your space on your porch or indoors. Include plants or objects that give you a sense of being in nature. If you have religious icons or enjoy background music, candles or incense, have these set up. Your space should be designed so everything you need is prepared. In this manner, it is more likely you will set time aside to do the exercise. In addition, during the day if you are feeling stressed, this is a space where you can go mentally in order to feel more at peace.

sábado, junio 15, 2013

Mayan Day Keepers ~ Day 76 Cib 11 Moving Beyond Doubt - June 15, 2013 - Debbie Erasmus

mayan-messagesHello, I am Cib with Tone 11. Today we would like to talk with you about finding your way through the maze of self-doubt. Although there are many of us in various Dimensions that are here to assist, you doubt that we exist. Although you have direct connection with your Higher Self, you doubt the validity of this inner voice. Even when you are presented with scientific proof of the existence of many things, you doubt its validity. There is nothing wrong with doubt, for there are many false teachers and many invalid responses to scientific query. However, instilled within each of you is a way of knowing what is true and what is the best solution for whatever you seek. How can you tap into this knowingness to such a degree that you move beyond doubt?

viernes, junio 14, 2013

Mayan Day Keepers ~ True Love: Day 74, Ix 9 - Debbie Erasmus - June 13, 2013

mayan-messagesGood day to you! I am Ix (pronounced Eeksh) accompanied by Tone 9. Together, we welcome you to this time of sharing which in essence benefits all on the Earth and beyond. On this day, we would like to share teachings regarding the misuse of the word “love.” Your words are more powerful than you can fathom. We wish to inspire you to pay more attention to every utterance you make and every thought you think. The true meaning of love is the fabric of which the universe is made.
In the beginning, there was Love and only Love. As Love created the desire to share itself and know itself on various levels, it fragmented itself into bits and went in every possible direction out from the source of Love. Each fragment of Love went on a quest to experience love in a variety of ways. Many fragments with similar interests grouped together and created a variety of Realms or Dimensions. As each group removed itself farther from the source of Love, the Dimensions were created. It was not until specific groups were far removed from Love that the idea of Not-Love came into existence.

domingo, mayo 26, 2013

Mayan Messages Day 51-56


Laughter is the Best Medicine
Good day to you. I am Chuen with the Tone of 12. Together we welcome you to this grand and glorious day and encourage you to take care of yourself and truly lighten up. Humans tend to take themselves and their situations way too seriously. Let us begin by laughing. Take time now to laugh. Deep, hearty, belly laughs.
Get your energy flowing. Work your internal muscles. This will energize you. Do this anytime your energy is feeling low. Although it may not be socially correct, do it anyway and encourage others to laugh with you.
How many business meetings would be less boring and more energized if they began with a good belly laugh? Wow, wouldn’t those creative juices flow then? Those who work with children, take laughter breaks. So often in your educational settings, their giggles and laughter are reprimanded. Get them laughing and watch their attention spans increase dramatically!

sábado, mayo 25, 2013

Window of The Great Change - Drunvalo Melchizedek - February 13, 2013
Dear Ones,
We are about to enter into a window of the time that has no name, but is inside of the Mayan END OF TIME window that was connected to December 21, 2012 and will end in about three years.
This window begins on February 18th, 2013 and continues for about three and a half months until June 2nd, 2013. However, it could last for as long as the end of August if the circumstances change.
I feel it is important to be aware of this significant period of time and what it could mean for you.