Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta AA Chamuel. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta AA Chamuel. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, mayo 16, 2021

Diana Cooper - Archangel Gabriel, Chamuel and Melchizedek - May 16, 2021

Archangel Gabriel, Chamuel and Melchizedek

This orb brings forward ancient wisdom.

Archangel Gabriel is in charge of the development of the base, sacral and naval chakras. As you meditate with this Orb, you receive the love and purity which enables you to truly value yourself.

Your guidance is then to bring forward the ancient wisdom of your higher self. This all helps you to merge with the oneness and know you are never alone.

Affirm I AM ONE

domingo, marzo 21, 2021


VIDEO (recommended)

Dear Ones,

you might in this time of uncertainty and chaos fight for your rights that are being increasingly denied to you.

You might stand in the first row to be seen and to be a leader to teach people how to manifest their desired goals.

You might be famous and your wisdom might be known in many nations.

jueves, abril 23, 2020

Judith Kusel - Our heart chakras now need to expand - April 23, 2020

Our heart chakras now need to expand as the Divine Feminine has returned and she brings in the energies of Higher Love, and Sacred Fires of Love, with the Chalice to overflowing of Unconditional Love.

To open your heart and soul and allow Divine Love and Unconditional Love to expand in your heart center, call upon Archangels Chamuel and Charity.

jueves, diciembre 12, 2019



December 2019


***333 in the month of December

***12:12 the Light of Mary
*** Chamuel Angel of Self Love

333 In the month of December

As the light lines up for this special holiday season all aspects of stellar light seems to be a little brighter, a little more magical. The Spirit of love seems to be alive knocking upon the hearts of lots of closet scrooges. If you were given one day to live over what would it be? Would it be this very day that is the true presence? We are architects of our life and it can be no other way. Sometimes you are given a project to infuse with light, healing the land and people and then you are asked to release it like a fledging eagle. Allowing it to be something else entirely, trusting the universe will take care of it.

miércoles, marzo 06, 2019

Golden Light Channel - Archangel Michael, Raphael, and The Council of Angels - Planet Earth is on the Brink of Great Evolutionary and Transformational Change - March 4, 2019

March 4, 2019

Greetings, we are The Council of Angels, including Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Zadkiel. Your planet is poised to fly off the cliff, so to speak, away from destruction and towards the creation of great heights of evolutionary and transformational change. The high frequency energy embracing your planet now is creating a cascade of transformation from dark to light energy.

viernes, julio 15, 2016

Christine Meleriessee - El Gran Director Divino, Entendiendo Cómo Encaja El Karma En Su Senda De Ascensión - 05-06-2016

great divine director

¡Bendiciones y Gozo para cada uno de ustedes!
SOY el Gran Director Divino viniendo desde la 144va. Dimensión de realidad para asistirlos a traer el entendimiento de cómo expresa cada ser en la forma humana su vida a través de las multi-realidades de lo que han sido previamente y qué significa esto en sus momentos futuros.
A medida que aprenden más sobre las Leyes Universales pueden empezar a aplicar cómo están representadas en su vida personal.
Por supuesto los elementos que componen una ley específica son generados desde la Fuente de Luz que ustedes son, a través de su Presencia Yo Soy, en su Mónada, y luego en la existencia de su Yo Superior.
Es entonces cuando se manifiestan a través del acondicionamiento físico de su conciencia en la realidad de quien ustedes se piensan ser en cualquier momento dado. .
La Ley de la Causa y Efecto, comúnmente conocida como la Ley del Karma, representa quiénes son ustedes como ser, sus trayectorias en las muchas dimensiones, y cómo va a coexistir esa energía en la que han vivido en su experiencia humana.

miércoles, mayo 14, 2014

Ute Posegga-Rudel – AA Chamuel: You Are Free Of Suffering! – 13 May 2014

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
VIDEO (recommended!) 
Dearest Humanity!
Please consider your True State!
In Truth YOU, you ARE free of suffering.
Please remember that suffering is not happening in your True Heart. But what you are suffering is indeed a dead mirror world, an artificially created world of broken light, a world which is not of the One Divine Light, and which is therefore not a true emanation of Divine Creation.
It has to do with the split mind. This false world has been arising because you left the true seat of Living Divine Consciousness by creating a consciousness that is separated from your True Divinity, repeating itself again and again.

lunes, abril 07, 2014

Archangel Chamuel via Goldenlight: Unconditional Love and Being a Part of the Higher Dimensional New Earth Society

Archangel Chamuel's Soft Pink Loving Energy ~ Lightworks Art by Goldenlight
Archangel Chamuel’s Soft Pink Loving Energy ~ Lightworks Art by Goldenlight
This message was brought in last summer but is a timeless message as are most of the higher dimensional messages I bring in. It speaks of the new higher dimensional Earth and Golden Age which we are in the process of entering, of unconditional love, and of living in the higher dimensions. Enjoy! -GL